Adriane and Stefanie

Erica, the photographer!
A bride on a bike
In the search for cute stationery, I came across a multitude of bike cards! I’d love to incorporate bikes into the wedding’s thank you cards.
The bridal shower is coming up and I am super excited. Amanda is an entertaining genius, so I know her and my mom are going to throw a good one. With the shower come presents, and with presents come thank you cards.
I really like these. I was thinking we could change the color and add a simple “Thanks!” centered at the top. Amanda had mentioned that she was looking for some bike-themed invitations, so these would tie in well. I think they’d be cute regardless though.
Spokes from Volta Press on Etsy
Are you supposed to use the same thank you cards for the bridal shower and the wedding? Who knows! Target would be a cheaper choice for 100 wedding thank yous … but not nearly as cute!
Looks like I have more Etsy searching to do.
So, yesterday I came across this really cute postcard idea yesterday at The Knot’s blog.
They suggested using vintage postcards for the guest book. I thought, “Damn, I need a cool idea for a guest book.” I voiced my concerns to Amanda and, like a good Maid of Honor, she pulled through: spoke cards.
In the fixed gear culture, many people have spoke cards in their rear wheel. You receive them at every alleycat, basically representing your attendance. Some people have them for other random reasons too like if you’re in a bike club. Some people proudly display their cards in their spokes, some choose to hang them up on their refrigerator. Either way, spoke cards are all over the place.
I had wanted to use spoke cards in our engagement photo shoot, spelling out our wedding date in our back wheels. I definitely still want to do that. Plus, we could tie it into the wedding too.
Basically, I’m thinking that we need to have some spoke cards printed up, maybe tying in our name “logo” from our invites. If we printed that lightly along the side, everyone could take one and write a memento on it. After the wedding I could get them all laminated. Then, we could collect them all and frame or install them somehow … or we could put them in a pair of wheels and hang them in our house! I think it’s super cute.